Blow Up the Pokies

Bearded Dragon Philosophy Part One

Our Company has seen a general change in the nature of Australian pubs and we don’t
like what we’ve seen. A general lack of customer service, good old fashioned
entertainment & cleanliness in favour of huge club gambling style palaces, that
lack atmosphere or focus on antisocial areas such as TAB, Pokie Machines (AKA
– one armed bandits, slot machines, endless chasms), Keno and huge takeaway
liquor barns, none of which add to the “Pub Experience”.

Pubs have been progressively adding new elements into the traditional
style of pub to supplement their income (and government coffers)for many
years now.. Chief Belief being the idea of a pub as not simply a ‘watering
hole’ but as a complete leisure experience. Soon many pubs were filled
with video machines, TAB monitors, online keno and of course the dreaded
poker machine, all of which are fine forms of entertainment, but take
from the real experience of family and friends getting together for some
quality leisure time.

It seems it has become acceptable to rip money right out of working Australian
pockets, so that politicians can say they are doing a great job. We certainly
don’t believe in an unfair bet and can’t understand in all our Aussie

bravery that we sweep the subject under the carpet. For example, many
months have now passed since the Prime Minister Mr. Howard, released the
Productivity Commission ‘s Final Report into Australia’s Gambling Industries.
One of the key report findings is, to have a 50% chance of winning on
the Black Rhino poker machine (a popular machine analysed by the Productivity
Commission) you would need to press the button 6.7 million times and spend

Reclaim the art of conversation and demand entertaining hosts for grass
roots hospitality. In the words of The Whitlams “blow up the pokies” and
bring back live entertainment and pubs with character and charm that can
survive in their own right.

The Bearded Dragon has filled the void, and offers a gambling free environment
with the exception of live Cane Toad Racing for charity
every weekend.

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